Wednesday, August 10, 2011 visions of tomatoes danced in her head

Last night before going to bed I got the coffee ready for the morning and then glanced around the kitchen in the darkness at all the tomatoes...lots of tomatoes. Our garden has been good to us this summer and for that I am thankful.

~ Goodnight tomatoes...Goodnight kitchen...

Off to bed....thinking about tomatoes.....dreaming about tomatoes....

and this morning I got up bright and early and canned tomatos. Tomato Juice.

I sterilized the jars last night and got everything ready. This morning as I was preparing the tomatoes, wonderful memories of my mother came back. I would help her every summer with the canning.

I always loved seeing all the jars lined up on the shelves in the pantry when we were finished. It gives one a feeling of accomplishment and self-satisfaction.

I hadn't canned in years but going through the whole process today made me want to do more, which I think I will.

It's the greatest thing to open a jar of summer freshness in the middle of winter!

Enjoy your day!


Donna said...

Love the Photos Donna!!
Looks like you Are ready for Winter!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I might have to start canning if our garden is this good next year too. This year I am just trying to freeze.

My mom and grandma used to can every summer. We always had canned green beans, bread and butter pickles, beets, tomatoes and more all winter long. I have my moms old vintage Ball canning books.


Carry on. It's a sesible thing you're doing. Whenever you burnout, pop your tomatoes in a freezer bag and freeze them. That's a glorious lifesaver when you've had enough of summer tomatoes.

Zuzana said...

Dear Donna, it seem like you have been very busy - I too love to grow tomatoes and it is wonderful to be able to use your own produce.;))
Hope all is well with you, I am back from my break.;))
xoxo said...

Our tomatoes have been prolific this year too. I have frozen some and made salsa. I might can some too. I have been canning pear halves this week.

Anonymous said...

They look yummy! Will make some great soup and chili this winter, yummy!

The Star Gal said...

I wish I knew how to do that. Nothing like some pinto beans with tomatoes & onions in the winter.

Lorrie said...

I love seeing all the canning lined up for the winter. Reminds me of Laura Ingalls Wilder and the Little House books.

Our tomatoes have a long ways to go before they ripen.