Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A good book and a cup of coffee

A gray weather day is the perfect time for a good book and a cup of coffee (or tea if you like). I'm reading Anne Rivers Siddons, Sweetwater Creek, just one of the many books I've read of hers, and this, too, is another good one. I like how she writes.

This is my favorite spot to sit and read, and as you can see beside my chair is a book stand filled with my favorite books and magazines.

We may be in for a few more gray weather days as Hurricane Katia moves its way up the coast bringing more rain.

I think Otis is looking for some sunshine.


Our Country Bungalow said...

I love the gray days with the glow of a lamp next to a comfy chair. So cozy.
Enjoy your book!

Anonymous said...

Donna, I love reading on gray days, especially chilly, gray days. You have a wonderful place to read, and enjoy a cup of coffee, or tea :) I too, have a special place for my favorite books. This is one of the reasons that I enjoy autumn, and winter...I can snuggle up with a good book, a throw, a cup of coffee, or tea, and feel the warm glow from our fireplace~~~

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I love that author too. We have cloudy day today here. I am sewing curtains. I took a break for a few seconds to blog... said...

A gloomy day with a good book, what could be better!!I loved this book as I did all of hers. Do you read Dorothea Benton Frank-I have read all of hers probably ten times each!

Happy@Home said...

Sounds like the perfect way to spend a rainy day. Your room looks so cozy. I have not read that author yet, but will be on the lookout for her books at the thrift shops. I always enjoy finding a new author.

Sherri said...

Donna, there is just nothing like a gray, rainy day, a book and a lovely cup of tea!!! I love Anne River Siddons books too!

La Vie Quotidienne said...

It all looks very cozy and comfy...enjoy your book! (-:

KatyDidStitches said...

Hello Donna!

I'm pleased to be your newest follower!

I LOVE your beautiful house and garden...and your little Otis and Riley have stolen my heart. We have two thirteen-and-a-half-year-old senior citizens at our house...Bonnie and Clyde...and they are a constant source of laughter. After all this time, they still manage to do something different and hilarious almost every day.

I shall be back to visit your lovely blog...such a beautiful spot and I feel completely at home here!
