The stockings are hung by the chimney with care....

the mantel is decorated.

Every year we bring out the nativity scene and display it in our old German cupboard in the dining room.

I still have a few more decorations I'd like to put around in different little spots in the house and this will probably go on up until Christmas! Most of my decorations are the same as years past. I guess I bring out the things I love the most and everything stays the same. How about you? Do you decorate the same every year?
Your tree and all of your decorations look so pretty. It's such a nice feeling when it is done and we can now enjoy it. I'm like you, though, and always adding/changing little things right up until Christmas.
Happy cookie baking.
Ooooh your decorations are so elegant and inviting, Donna! So beautiful! (you do know the last photo is my most very favorite, right LOL) I tend to decorate the same every year, too. No themes for me. I'm very much a traditional, what I love, kinda girl. Happy Holidays!
It`s just beautiful, Donna. I love the old German cupboard, and that it holds the creche each year - such a lovely tradition.
Christmas looks very pretty at your house Donna...
I decorate mostly the same, but change up a few things each year.
Wow...this all looks so pretty and perfect for Christmas. It looks like your two little friends approved too!
Beautiful & cozy.
Your tree is beautiful! Love the doggy stockings. Did you make them? Mimi
Your tree looks beautiful. I love Otis & Riley's stockings and the photo of them looking out the window ~ adorable!
You have won my giveaway ~ I will send you an email ♥
I never decorate the same way, though there are certain things I use somewhere every year.Otis and Riley have the cutest Christmas stockings.
Wow you tree is beuatiful dear Donna! That last image could be used as a Christmas card.;))
Donna, your home looks so festive and inviting. And, yes I do decorate almost the same every year. I love my old things.
I hope Otis and Riley find special goodies in their stockings.
Donna, Your tree is gorgeous, and I like your nativity scene too. Otis and Riley look so cute watching for Santa. I'm sure they've been good all year.
My decorations pretty much stay the same from year to year with a few new additions. I love Otis and Riley's stockings!
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