Saturday, July 16, 2011

Sharing plants

My sister brought me some Cleome plants this week. She had an over abundance of them and needed to dig some up and divide them. The two of us have been sharing plants for years, not only with each other but with friends and neighbors. It's a great way to increase the variety of plants in your garden and very economical too!

Cleome is a perennial in North Carolina. It's called the "spider flower" and grows to about four feet tall or more. It prefers bright sun and fertile soil and will reseed. It's a beautiful cottage garden plant.

I'm thinking I will plant it in and around my foxglove, daylilies and obedient plants. It should blend in well with them.

So if your plants need divided and you have too many, don't dig them up and throw them away, Share, and spread the happiness!


La Vie Quotidienne said...

I love Cleome and I don't have real good luck with them...they are so pretty. Lucky you.

Donna said...

That IS a pretty plant!
I think we smelled rain but got None...sigh.

Pondside said...

What a treat to see you as a new follower - and I am definitely going to want to come back to read your posts. Your blog site is restful to the eye.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Donna I wonder if cleome would grow well this far north? It's very pretty. I've been lucky to be able to share many day lilies with my Mom and friends, and they in turn have given me many extra herbs from their gardens.

Janet said...

Cleome grows as an annual here and last year I methodically scattered all the seeds from the pods. I have quite a few this year ready to bloom any day now. Free plants...what could be better?