Thursday, September 3, 2009

Fun paintings for the Chef in our family

We have a chef in our family, my son-in-law, Chef Rob. A wonderful, creative chef, and I love when he cooks for us!

Chef Rob asked me to do some paintings for him of Lancaster County food.

You see, our family is rooted deep in Lancaster County and naturally we love the food, we've grown up on this food (good ol' Lancaster County Amish Food), and whenever we go back to Lancaster County to visit, we always bring some home with us.

So here are some of the fun colorful food paintings I painted for Rob.

Can you guess what the the unmarked ones are?


Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I think I see a raisin pie, a spam loaf and pickled eggs ( from beets). Am I right?

Sherri said...

I'm going to guess the first one is Shoofly Pie, a baked ham and pickled eggs and beets. Have a great weekend!

Donna said...

These are wonderful Donna!! At first I thought the pie was REAL!!!Hahaa...hughugs

NCmountainwoman said...

Shoofly pie with lots of molasses, Spam, and beets and eggs pickled.

My husband attended a meeting in Lancaster many years ago and I picked up a county map and drove all over. What a beautiful area, like a painting around every turn.

Donna said...

I was born and raised in South Jersey (I live in Texas now), and I remember driving through Lancaster County at various times when I was young. The main thing I remember is that the countryside was gorgeous. In fact, the entire state of Pennsylvania is beautiful. I haven't been up that way in 35 years but oh would I love to go visit one day soon.

I'm thinking Shoofly Pie or Mincemeat pie, Beets, and Spam are your untagged foods.

Have a great day!

NCmountainwoman said...

I'm changing my mind about the Spam. Somehow I don't think the Amish would eat spam...I've decided it's real ham. But I think you tried to trick us by omitting the criss-cross cuts and cloves studded in it. Or, could it be a ham loaf?'s a baked ham.

Happy@Home said...

How nice to have a chef in the family. Your paintings are too cute. I am going to guess Shoofly Pie, some kind of ham and hard boiled eggs with pickled beets.

Have a wonderful holiday weekend.

Ruth Welter said...

Hi Donna,

Chef Rob will really love these, they are awesome!!! Hmm, I have no idea what the last one is...


Zuzana said...

Ah, lovely! I would say a meat loaf and the last one is eggs and red beats? Have a great Saturday.;))