Our daughter, Jen, and granddaughter, Maddy, came and spent the weekend with us since hubby and dad, Rob, was on a weekend business retreat. We had such fun! Maddy got the card games out as soon as she got here and we played lots of "Slap Dragon". She spent time in Papa's wo
odshop and the two of them made a birdhouse for Maddy to take home.

Saturday, we headed to Starbucks in the morning and then then to the park for some play time with Maddy.
We had lunch at our ol' time favorite "Schlotsky's" restaurant in Greenville and spent an afternoon at Barnes and Noble bookstore. We also had time
to take in a movie and saw "Underdog".

It was such a good weekend and we thoroughly enjoyed it. Even Otis and Riley enjoyed all the excitement of having them around.
And now, Monday, it's the first day of school for Maddy! Hard to believe it's that time of year already. Summer will soon be over.
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