In the heart of North Carolina is the town of Asheboro. A town worth spending the day in... browsing antique shops, looking for treasures in the vintage and consignment shops and enjoying a bit of lunch and a cup of coffee.

The town murals are interesting and fun, painted by one of the local artists.
Up and down main street you can find all kinds of shops.
And all kinds of treasures!
I found a few of my own treasures, one being, the old bankers lamp, or desk lamp with the green shade. I have been looking for one of these for quite some time. A real bargain at $15.

I am always on the look-out for shops like these! I love finding small towns filled with lots of wonderful old treasures.
Are you a flea market and antique shopper?
Hope all of you enjoy your day.
That looks like a wonderful town to spend the day in. Love your lamp!
I love little towns with cute shops and Asheboro looks like the perfect place! And love your green lamp. Great price too. Mimi
Hi Donna,
Thank you so much for the tour. I'll be back in North Carolina in April and I'll put this on my list of places to visit.
Wishing you a beautiful day.
I Love to wander through antique shops...You live in a fantastic place!
Happy St Patrick's Day!
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