I walked around the garden this morning and was reminded of how much work needs to be done before the cold weather sets in. Of course it's still in the 90's here so I guess I have plenty of time.
The raised beds that were once filled with veggies are now empty. A layer of compost should be spread on top to keep the weeds from growing.
Fall flowers need to be bought and replanted in pots and window boxes.
The daylilies and irises need to be separated.......summer plants need to go inside.....
Love your home and garden photos Donna!
Enjoy all that hard work!Lol
I am growing a second veggie crop in my raised beds this year. We currently have green beans. The lettuce is about 2 inches tall and the peas are flowering. Radished should be ready to eat in about a week.
I am experimenting. It seems my spinach, beets and carrots found it too hot to germinate.
I love gardening too.
Thanks for sharing your garden with us! Enjoy!
Gorgeous garden!
Right! There really is always something to do if you live in a more temperate climate. I need to pull out my summer veg and mulch or cover crop my raised beds too. I'm hoping to squeeze out a few more tomatoes since it's still in the 90's in the afternoons.
Cute pictures Donna.
There's a lot to be done in my garden too. I'm waiting for a cool off before I get busy with it.
Ah yes, a garden needs attention almost year around. Love the top picture, what a stunning view...
Yep...we are thinking the same thing! We just pulled some of the garden out & dug potatoes up....still not done with tomatoes - that means canning is comming!
Enjoy your gardening Donna!
By the way, those Daisy earings are adorable...shells?
Hi Donna, Ugh, I can relate to the garden clean up work. I usually do mine the week of Thanksgiving so I have a while yet to go.
What a beautiful garden, Donna! You're certainly right...always something to do. What are the blue bottles near your veggie garden? I could play in the dirt all day long....
Hi Donna
I can't believe it has been so long since I've left a comment!
Your garden looks wonderful - love the pergola - my husband built one in our garden (it had been on our to-do list for a while) :-) and I'm shocked at how quickly the vines began growing on it!
Hugs to Otis & Riley from Ernie & me ♥
Do I glimpse a screened in porch there? I've always, always yearned for a screened in porch. Still don't have one. But I do have the pavilion. Yes, it's time to do fall chores. Just too darned hot to tackle it.
Boy, isn't that the truth. Always something to do in a garden. Your pear tray is absolutely beautiful and the little daisies are adorable. I had a big daisy pin when I was in high school. Mimi
I just love your garden, Donna! And that precious wienie dog is the best part of all. :D
It's a sad time for the garden when we have to pull all the spent flowers and look at bare beds.
Within a few months ours will be covered over with snow, and it won't matter I suppose. The leaves are still green for now, so we will wait until they fall before tidying too much. Have fun with your little helpers!
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