The Wings over Wayne Air Show was held at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base this past Saturday and Sunday.
It was a beautiful day, blue skys, and temps around 90 degrees (maybe a little too hot), but we enjoyed every minute of it.
When we got there, there were busses to transport us in.

After we got checked through the security gates, there were tents everywhere ~ food, drinks, souvenirs ~ and aircraft as far as you could see.

Here is a huge plane that we went though, a C-47 (I'm told). I don't know much about planes, so bear with me.

Madison inside the huge plane.

Blue Angels C30.

Coast Guard aircraft.

Galen, being in the Coast Guard many moons ago, enjoyed talking to some of the coasties.

The "Memphis Belle"!

The Panchito. Flown by Disabled American Veterans.

A stunt plane.


It was funny to see everyone sitting under the wings in the shade to cool off .
Maddie taking a break and cooling off in the shade. Quite a big day!

It was a great event! If you've never been to an air show, I highly recommend it!
Airplanes have always fascinated me and someday I want to take a helicopter ride, maybe at Nags Head. My father was a pilot. When I was a little girl we used to take a Sunday drive to the "big" airport in Richmond to watch the planes land. What a pity...you can't do that anymore. xo Lynn
We have a small local airport nearby, and they have an annual airshow. Every year we want to go and we never make it. Maybe this is the year, it looks like fun.
I used to love seeing the Blue Angels fly in San Francisco. Pretty thrilling...especially the sound!
Absolutely stunning pictures, it must have been an experience. I love the big military planes; they are very majestic and imposing. It is difficult to understand how they can possibly fly.;)
My husband loves aircraft and this air show is something he would have loved :-) Looks like you had so much family fun! Wonderful photos Donna.
Looks like you all had a great time. The merry go round is a great way to get some doggy exercise! Mimi
What's not to like. Inexpensive. Safe (for the spectators, anyway). Great entertainment. An enjoyable afternoon outside. It's the perfect family entertainment.
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