With errands to run and things to do my husband and I started off Saturday morning at the hardware store downtown to get a few things, then decided to take some pictures of the whirligigs that are placed all over Wilson. The first whirligig was at the Wilson County Public Library, the second at the employment office, third was downtown on Nash Street where there are two of them, fourth was at the Wilson Chamber
of Commerce building, and the last at the Rose Garden. While downtown we picked up a box lunch at The Sugar Plum Shoppe and headed for the rose garden to have lunch. The roses were beautiful
and oh so fragrant. After we left the rose garden we headed for Starbucks. Had to have our coffee. We sat outside and enjoyed the afternoon.

Later, we took a drive out to the Wilson County Fairgrounds to see the bikers, Easy Riders. They were in town for the weekend. Every year they come to

Home in the afternoon, Galen worked in his Man Space and I caught up on some work that needed to be done and then relaxed on the back porch.

In the evening we went to the Wilson Tobs baseball game at the Fleming Stadium. The Tobs are college players and our mascot is a tobacco worm. Wilson, as you know is known for it's tobacco. We lost the game, but we had a great time. 10:00pm Headed for home.

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